Update harmon.ie Classic Email license


harmon.ie license file is about to expire or has already expired.


  1. Obtain a new license file: contact sales@harmon.ie, or download an updated package with an embedded license from your harmon.ie customer portal.
  2. Update the license file for all harmon.ie users, as explained below.

Follow one of these methods to update harmon.ie license file for all users:

  • Reinstall the harmon.ie package. This could be centrally done for all users. This is the recommended method for updating the license file.
  • Copy the license file HarmonieEnterpriseEdition.lic to the root installation folder of harmon.ie (the default location is C:Program Files[ (x86)]harmon.ieharmon.ie for SharePoint). This should be done in all harmon.ie users’ machines.

To manually register the license file for each harmon.ie user:

  • Replace the license file using harmon.ie options: click the arrow in the lower right corner of the harmon.ie ribbon group, or select Options from the harmon.ie sidebar menu. Select the License tab, and then click the Browse button to select the new license file.