Saving email messages to SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive Classic lets you easily save email messages to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive. Saving emails with project documents in SharePoint or Teams centralizes all communications and resources, making project management, collaboration, and record-keeping more efficient and accessible.

Use to save email messages using the Save buttons or by dragging and dropping emails to the respective location in SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive. You can:

Restricted email messages, set with the Do Not Forward permission cannot be saved to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive. Attachments can be saved to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive while preserving their restriction level, as long as they were created using other Microsoft Office programs.

To save an incoming email message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

Follow one of these methods:

  • Drag-and-drop the message to any SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location in the All Locations view.
  • Use the Save Message button from the ribbon button.
  • Right-click the message and select Save Message.

The first time an email is saved to a Teams location, suggests creating an Email view in that location. If accepted, email headers are saved in email columns, and an Email view is created in that location. You can extend this mapping to SharePoint locations, in the Options.

Drag-and-drop an incoming email message to save it on SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

  1. Locate the SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location in the All Locations view in the sidebar.
  2. Select the email message and drag it from the Inbox, or any other folder, to the selected location in the sidebar. This instantly uploads the message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive.

You can drag multiple messages from your email to the sidebar by holding the CTRL key while selecting the messages to drag.

Use the Save Message button to save incoming email messages to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

  1. Select or open the message you want to save.
  2. From the ribbon button, click the arrow next to the Save Message button (The Save Message icon) and select a Recent SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location (used in, Microsoft 365, or SharePoint Online) to upload to, or click More options to launch the Save to Microsoft 365 dialog, and set the upload options.

To save an outgoing email message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive while sending it:

  1. Click the Save on Send button (The Save on Send icon) from the ribbon button. The button is selected.

    The Save On Send button allows you to upload an outgoing message to SharePoint.
  2. Send the message.
  3. The Save to Microsoft 365 dialog opens, and lets you set the upload options.
  4. If configured and approved by you, the email headers are saved as email columns in SharePoint / Teams, and an Email view is added to that location.
  5. If you are uploading the message to a location with required properties:
    1. If you choose to upload the message attachments as well, you are asked whether to send the message before filling in the required properties of the attachments.
      If you click No, the properties window opens, and the message is not sent. Fill in the required properties, and then send the message again.
    2. You are asked to fill in the required properties of the message now.

      If you click Yes, the properties window opens and lets you fill in the required properties. Note that the message is sent regardless of your answer.

To save a draft message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

You can save an unsent email message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

  1. Click the Save Draft Message button (The Save Draft Message icon) from the ribbon button.
  2. The Save to Microsoft 365 dialog opens, and lets you set the upload options.

Contact your administrator if this feature is not available.

To automatically migrate emails to Microsoft 365:

You can use favorites to connect an Outlook folder to a favorite SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location. Each email message saved to this drop folder, either manually or with an Outlook rule, is automatically uploaded to the associated SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location. You can save emails to this Outlook folder even when you’re offline, and they will be uploaded when you are back online.

  1. Save the location as a favorite, or edit favorite.
  2. Check Connect to an Outlook folder for continuous migration.
  3. Select one of the following:
    1. Create a new connected folder. Optionally, edit folder name. The new folder will be created under the Outlook folder.
    2. Connect an existing folder. Click … to select the folder from your Outlook folder list.
  4. Click OK. Each email message saved to this new or existing folder is automatically uploaded to your favorite Microsoft 365 location.

An administrator can schedule the time of day when emails saved to drop-folders are uploaded to Microsoft 365. In this case, a new Run now command is added and lets you manually start the migration process.

  • This feature does not work with Shared MailBoxes.
  • Emails uploaded to SharePoint using this method are saved with a unique name.
  • If fails to upload an email message, the email is moved to a Conflicts subfolder. If the message was uploaded but the operation was not completed successfully – for example, because the message should be checked in – you will receive a notification message in the Conflicts subfolder, explaining how to resolve the problem.
  • This feature can be extended to automatically upload and tag email attachments.

To start the automatic migration process

If an administrator scheduled the time of the automatic migration of emails to Microsoft 365, a new Run now command is added to the favorite location that is synced with Outlook.

Browse to the favorite location, then click the arrow next to the favorite icon (The Favorites icon) and select Run now to manually start the migration process.

Run the migration process

To find out if and where an email message was saved to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

  • When you save an email message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive using drag-and-drop, or with the Save Message / Save on Send buttons, the Saved Location button becomes visible in the ribbon group.
    Click the Saved Location button (The Saved Location icon) to view the SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location to which the message was saved. Clicking the location link opens this location in
    See if and where an email message was saved to SharePoint
  • If your email recipients reside in the same domain, the Saved Location button appears for them when they view an email message you saved to SharePoint.
    Contact your administrator if this option is not available to you.
  • You can right-click an email saved to SharePoint and select Open in, to locate the email in the sidebar.

In addition, there are two indications that an incoming message was saved to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

  • The message icon for saved messages changes to: Icon for saved messages, and for declared records to: Icon for declared records. Note that the message icon is persisted when replying or forwarding an email that was uploaded to SharePoint, i.e., it replaces the Outlook Forward and Reply icons.
  • The message category is set as [SharePoint] or [Teams] and includes the SharePoint or Teams location(s) in which the message is saved.

Message icon and category reflect that message was saved on SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive.

The SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location where the message was saved is written in the message.

To move an email message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

You can delete the uploaded message from the Inbox (or any other folder) and move it to the Deleted Items folder when uploading it to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive, by following one of these methods:

Drag-and-drop an email message to move it to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

  1. Browse to the SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location in which you want to save the message in the sidebar.
  2. Hold the Ctrl key and drag the message to

You can set the default drag-and-drop mode to move. To reverse the behavior set in the application options, and change the drag-and-drop mode from move to copy or vice versa, hold the Ctrl key while dragging an email to the sidebar.

To move an email message with the Save on Send and Save Message buttons:

Set the Delete email after saving to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive option in the Save to Microsoft dialog. For more information, read Setting email and attachments upload options.

When moving an outgoing email message to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive, the message is not saved in the Sent Items mail folder.

How are email messages saved on SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive?

Email messages uploaded to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive are saved as .msg documents and contain the entire message, including body text and attachments. The document name is derived from the Subject field. You can instruct to save each email message with a unique name. can map the email headers (To, From, Subject, Date, etc.) to SharePoint or Teams document metadata. To learn more, read Saving email headers in SharePoint columns.

To save messages with the same subject:

If several messages from the same discussion thread are stored on SharePoint, you are asked if you want to replace the existing message / save it as a new version of the .msg file, or rename the new message. To learn more, read Replacing existing documents.

To open an email message saved on SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive:

Right-click an email message saved to SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive and select Open in to locate it on the sidebar.

Double-click an email message stored on SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive from the sidebar, and the message opens directly in Outlook.

Right-click the message and select Show Preview to see a document preview.