Get to know the new sidebar

Get to know the new sidebar

The new is an Outlook web add-in designed to be the simplest way to find, share and organize your work across Microsoft 365. The new works on any Outlook. Learn more.

The new contains two views:

  1. ALL LOCATIONS – shows a tree view of your SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive locations and recent files.
  2. DRILL-DOWN – shows a list view of a single SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location, with all sub-locations and files.

Each view lets you upload emails and documents, view and manage your files, share locations and files, search and more.

All locations view of the new displays all your M365 locations in a single tree view that includes:

  • Favorites – locations and files that you use frequently can be saved as favorites for easy navigation
  • Recent – recent locations you uploaded files to using and recent documents you worked on with Microsoft 365 apps
  • Shared with me – files and folders that your colleagues shared with you
  • Teams – Teams locations and recent files, as well as files shared in Chats and meetings
  • SharePoint – your SharePoint locations and recent files; You may include team sites here, read How to add SharePoint sites to the new to learn how
  • OneDrive – all locations and recent files you saved to your OneDrive

All locations view

What can you do with’s All locations view?

  • Click a location to expand (Expand icon) or collapse (Collapse icon) it. Expanded locations include all sub-locations and the 5 most-recent files.
  • Double-click a location or click the View all files link in an expanded location to open the drill-down view.
  • Double-click a file to open it.
    Click Vial all files to drill-down to location
  • Hover over a location to view quick actions.
  • Hover over a file to view quick actions and the file preview.
  • Click collapse all locations (Collapse-all icon) next to ALL LOCATIONS to return to the initial sidebar state.
  • Drag and drop an email or an attachment onto a location to upload to that location (Outlook for Windows only).
  • Drag and drop a file from your Window explorer onto a location to upload to that location (all new versions).
  • Search across M365 for files.
  • View new content – when new content is added to a M365 location, an indicator (Indicator symbol) is displayed. Expand the location to view the new content.
  • View settings, manage Teams and SharePoint sites.
  • Pin (Pin icon) / unpin (Unpin icon) the sidebar. When the sidebar is pinned, it stays open when you select another email message in Outlook. When its unpinned, you would have to open it again.

Work with All Locations view

Hover over a SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive location for these quick actions:

  • Save selected email (Save email icon) to location.
  • Share location (Share icon) > Copy link (Ctrl+L) (Copy link icon), Email with link (Ctrl+E) (Email with link icon), or Share to Teams (Ctrl+T) (Share to Teams icon).
  • Favorite – Add (Click to add to favorites) or remove (Click to remove from favorites) location or file from favorites.
  • More actions (More actions icon) include Open in browser, Open in Teams (for Teams locations), New folder and file, Upload file, Refresh (Refresh icon), Rename (Rename icon), Delete (Delete icon), Edit details (in browser) (Edit details icon).

Hover over location for quick actions

Hover over a file in SharePoint, Teams, or OneDrive for these quick actions:

  • Preview the file. Preview includes an image of the file, who edited it last, and the date it was last modified.
  • Share (Share icon) > Copy link (Ctrl+L) (Copy link icon), Email with link (Ctrl+E) (Email with link icon), or Share to Teams (Ctrl+T) (Share to Teams icon).
  • Favorite – add (Click to add to favorites) or remove (Click to remove from favorites) from favorites.
  • More actions (More actions icon) include Open in desktop or Open in browser app (for Office files), Open in browser (for non-office files), Rename (Rename icon), Delete (Delete icon), Edit details (in browser) (Edit details icon).

Hover over file for quick actions

Location drill-down view in the new

The drill-down view of a location includes a list of all sub-locations and all files.

What can you do with’s drill-down view?

  • Search within the current location – Click Search (Search icon) or Ctrl+K.
  • Upload the current email to location (all new versions) – Add new (Click to add new content) > Save email (Save email icon).
  • Drag and drop an email or attachment to upload it to location (in Outlook for Windows only).
  • Drag and drop a file from the file system to upload it to location (all new versions).
  • Upload file to location – Add new (Click to add new content) > Upload file (Upload icon).
  • Create a new file or folder in location – Add new (Click to add new content) > Folder / Word document / Excel workbook / PowerPoint presentation / Link.
  • Sort files and locations (Sort icon) by name, modification date or creation date.
  • Navigate back to the previous location (Back icon).
  • Click the Home icon (Home icon) to navigate to the All locations view.
  • Share by email, copy link, or share in Teams – More actions (More actions icon) > Share > Copy link (Copy link icon) / Email with link (Email with link icon) / Share to Teams.
  • Mark as favorite (Click to add to favorites) / remove from favorites (Click to remove from favorites).
  • Open in browser or in Teams app (for Teams locations) – More actions (More actions icon) > Open in browser (Open in browser icon).
  • Refresh – More actions (More actions icon) > Refresh (Refresh icon).

Location drill-down view

How to switch between All locations and drill-down views?

Double click a location in the All locations view to open it in the location drill-down-view.

Click the Home icon (Home icon) in the drill-down view to open the All locations view.