harmon.ie 9.5.1 – Enhancements and Fixes Before The Big Release

TL;DR We write every word in our blog posts, but asked AI to summarize it

harmon.ie 9.5.1 is out, and we recommend downloading it now, as it includes a few cool features and an important fix.

harmon.ie 9.5.1 is out and this is a good time to tell you that our next release will be huge – harmon.ie 10 is on its way this winter and it will finally bring the full functionality of harmon.ie to Teams. This means that we will be able to help you in managing and organizing content on all M365 apps with full force!

Until then, we highly recommend downloading and rolling out harmon.ie 9.5.1 from your customer portal. It offers a workaround for a recent bug discovered by Microsoft in their new version of Webview. This bug created a failure in the harmon.ie sidebar for some of our users, issuing this error:

This is not a critical bug but getting this pop up can be alarming to your end users. Therefore, harmon.ie version 9.5.1 includes a workaround for this error. Our recommendation is to download version 9.5.1 from the customer portal as soon as you finish to read this article.

Also in this version:

  • Migrate existing Outlook folders to M365. Now effortlessly link your Outlook folders with SharePoint or Teams locations. Save an email to an Outlook folder, and it auto-uploads to your chosen M365 location.
    Read how assmann gruppe is using this feature to manage large construction projects.
  • Improved handling of large term sets when editing properties: If you’ve faced delays when editing properties with large term sets, you’ll appreciate our “search as you type” feature, which makes finding terms quicker and easier.
  • Ergonomic and accessibility enhancements. We’ve polished the user interface for better accessibility and an enhanced user experience.
  • Important bug fixes.

How to Upgrade to harmon.ie 9.5.1

If you are a current harmon.ie subscriber, you can get the harmon.ie upgrade for free. The upgrade is available from the harmon.ie client portal. Use Windows authentication to login, or the username and password you received in the harmon.ie Order Fulfillment email. Contact Support if you need assistance.

Not yet a harmon.ie subscriber but still want to see how easy it is to access all your SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive location? Download our free trial and start enjoying Microsoft 365.

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